My dearest fans and friends, it's that time of year again!...
In honor of my 35th birthday on June 1st, I’d like to encourage you all to contribute to the Looking Out Foundation and help us raise funds for The Story Campaign.
In partnership with War Child, The Story Campaign is a sharing of stories from children who have suffered the horrors of war. As I contemplate another year, I watch images of our scenic country roll past the windows of our tour bus and I wonder what innocent children and families living in war zones must see from their windows. We’re hoping you’ll band together with us and make their views a little brighter. This year I’m turning 35, so I’m asking people to donate $35 to The Story Campaign (or whatever you can afford). No amount too small. No child left unheard.
Make music mean more.
Click here to donate.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,