Grants to Charities:
Grants to organizations are made to tax-exempt public charities under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Program interests include, but are not limited to: disadvantaged youth, public health, women, the environment, the arts, the hungry and the homeless. The Looking Out Foundation generally does not support: endowment programs, fund raising events, annual appeals of well-established organizations, or grants to individuals except as provided for as part of the Looking Out Foundation's COVID-19 Relief Program.
Please note that the Looking Out Foundation receives far more requests each grant cycle than it can support. The average grant allocation is between $1,000 and $5,000. Organizations who have already previously received grants from the Looking Out Foundation, are strongly encouraged to diversify their funding base and develop alternative sources of support. The need is ever changing, therefore so is our focus.
Grant decisions are normally made twice per year in June and December. Applicants seeking a June decision must apply no later than February 1st. Applicants seeking a December decision must apply no later than August 1st. Applicants may not submit a proposal more than once in any twelve-month period.
To apply for funding please fill out our grant proposal coversheet along with your proposal, budget and proof of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status (IRS determination letter).
All grant applications should be submitted via email in a single PDF to [email protected].